Business man falling down the stairs in the office concept for accident and insurance injury claim at work

Implement These Eight Precautions to Prevent Workplace Accidents

There were over six million accidents in the United States in 2016, resulting in over 40,000 fatalities. That averages out to nearly 11,000 accidents per day.

The most common type of accident is a car accident, accounting for around two million accidents each year. The second most common type of accident is a slip and fall, accounting for approximately 1 million accidents annually.

Accidents can happen anywhere and at any time. However, some areas are more prone to accidents than others. One of these areas is found in local businesses.

Workplace Accidents

There were about 2 million workplace accidents in the United States in 2020. That averages out to around 7,000-8,000 workplace accidents each day.

The most common type of workplace accident is a slip and fall, accounting for around 25% of all workplace accidents. The next most common type of workplace accident is a car accident, accounting for about 20% of workplace accidents. Finally, the third most common type of workplace accident is a machine-related accident, accounting for around 10% of workplace accidents.

Workplace accidents can happen anywhere and at any time. However, some businesses are more prone to workplace accidents than others. One of these businesses is a construction company.

Construction companies are required by law to take certain safety precautions to protect their workers from potential accidents. However, construction companies are still the most common type of business to have a workplace accident. In 2020, there will be over 4,000 construction-related workplace accidents.

So, what can local businesses do to prevent workplace accidents? Implementing these precautions can help reduce the number of workplace accidents.

male occupational health and safety officer inside factory doing inspection

Proper safety gear

One of the best ways to prevent workplace accidents is by having employees wear the proper safety gear. This includes items such as hard hats, safety glasses, and gloves. Wearing the appropriate safety gear can help protect employees from serious injuries if an accident occurs. Moreover, the proper safety gear can nullify certain accidents entirely.

Inspect equipment regularly

Another way to prevent workplace accidents is by inspecting equipment regularly. This includes items such as ladders, tools, and machines. Checking equipment regularly can help ensure that they are in good working condition. Furthermore, it can help identify any potential hazards that could lead to an accident.

Have a safety plan

All businesses should have a safety plan to help prevent workplace accidents. The safety plan should include things such as evacuation routes and first-aid procedures. Having a safety plan can help ensure that everyone knows what to do in the event of an accident.


One of the best ways to prevent workplace accidents is by educating employees on the importance of safety. Employees should be taught about proper safety procedures and how to use the equipment properly. Furthermore, they should be made aware of the potential hazards in the workplace.

Train employees

Be sure to train all employees on safety procedures correctly. Employees should be thoroughly trained on how to use the equipment and what to do in the event of an accident. Furthermore, regular training sessions should be conducted to ensure that all employees are up-to-date on the latest safety procedures.

For example, you can also offer approved online defensive driving courses to your drivers, which can help refresh their skills and knowledge on the road. Moreover, this will give them the necessary intuition to avoid dangers while being on the road.

Keep the workplace clean and organized

A cluttered and messy workplace is an accident waiting to happen. Be sure to keep the workplace clean and organized at all times. This will help to prevent trips and falls. Moreover, it will help ensure that employees can find what they need quickly and efficiently.

Enforce safety rules

Be sure to enforce all safety rules in the workplace. Employees who violate safety rules should be disciplined accordingly. Moreover, employees should be made aware of the consequences of violating safety rules.

You can discipline employees by giving them a verbal warning, written warning, or even suspending them from work. However, the best way to enforce safety rules is by leading by example.

Have Quarterly or Yearly Office Inspections

Office inspections can help to identify potential hazards in the workplace. Be sure to have an inspection at least once a quarter or once a year. During these inspections, be sure to look for things such as loose wires, cluttered desktops, and tripping hazards.

You can hire a professional company to conduct the inspection, or you can do it yourself. However, be sure to have someone knowledgeable about safety conducting the inspection.

By implementing these precautions, local businesses can help prevent workplace accidents. Workplace accidents are costly and can cause serious injuries. By taking the proper precautions, businesses can help protect their employees and themselves from potential accidents.

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